Trick To Create Hotstar One Year Premium Account For Free

Trick To Create Hotstar Premium Account:- Most of the users are searching for Hotstar premium account and when they got some premium account then they can't even use it properly due to multiple logins. So they nee their own personal hotstar premium account. In this tutorial, we are going to give some glitch trick to create a hotstar premium account for one year for free.

No need to pay a single penny for this. Just follow the steps carefully and you can easily get your personal premium account for free. Now it's up to you whether to share it with your friends or not. This tick is solely based on the Hostar glitch so it's better to give a try if you really want to get a "hotstar premium account".
Trick To Create Hotstar One Year Premium Account For Free
You need to have a VPN app that you can easily download from play store or any apk site. Just install it and then you need some BINs to pay the payment. Don't worry it won't charge you a single penny. As it requires to start the trial one. Apart from this if you are interested in Refer & Earn offer then you can give a try to Meesho Refer Earn Offer. Use Meesho's Referral Code and Start earning.

Now, how you can create your own "personal hotstar premium account"? So read the below steps carefully and follow the exact same ways to grab a one-year premium account of hostar. Remember you have to follow the same steps otherwise, you can lose your account.

Steps To Create Hotstar Premium Account For One Year:-

  • Uninstall the Installed Hotstar from your Phone if you have installed any.
  • Now Download this Version in your Phone HOTSTAR APP.
  • After installing the above version of Hotstar don't open it.
  • Now Install any VPN app like "Express VPN".
  • Connect to the USA server in the VPN App (Don't use Wi-fi use Network Data).
  • After this open the hostar app. It'll redirect you Subscription Page of 99$.
  • Now Enter Your Name, Email, etc.
  • Now Enter these Card Details and you'll be redirected to the hotstar shows.
  • During these steps make sure that you're still connected to the VPN Server. 
  • Now Start Watching Some VIP (Premium Shows) on hotstar for few minutes.
  • After this Keep Watching the Current Shows and Disconnect the VPN.
  • Now Close the hostar app and Clear it from the Recent Apps.
  • Now again Open the hotstar app and it'll ask for language and a pop-up will ask to select a location. Just deny it. Open 2-3 times to get these options.
  • Most Important part, Now when you'll click on any premium series it'll show you WHITE SPACE loading (It won't load). Don't Panic.
  • Close your Hostar App and Change your Current Date and Set it to two days ahead. Like if it is 9th June then make it 12th June.
  • Now Open the hostar app and start watching your premium shows.
  • Boom!! You have successfully created your own hotstar premium account for one year.

Important Notes:-

  • Don't update your Hostar App till the account gets activated.
  • Disable auto update apps in your Play Store Settings.
  • Don't log out from the hostar account or uninstall it. You'll lose your account and it won't work again.
  • Do get the Card details Contact on Telegram.

Final Words:-

So this was the glitch trick to get a premium account of hotstar. Don't misuse for your personal benefit or sell it illegally. Follow the steps carefully. Read all the steps two or three times to get started with the trick. If you need any kind of help then you can comment below.
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